When I was around 3 yrs. old we moved from England to Sumter, SC. This is the first house that was my home in the states. As you can tell, I took up tap and ballet. I don't have very many memories from here during the brief 2 years we lived here. My childhood in the states was brief. So many memories have been captured into photographs. I am posing with two girls from church. In 'normal' circumstances, I might have grown up with these girls and gone to school with them. We would have had so many stories to share about our experiences of growing up in this town. The life of a military brat is much different. You make friendships that last sometimes only while you are both living in the same place at the same time. When you move you accept the fact that you may never meet again and that you will have to make new friends and start a new chapter of your story with them. Though it may seem like a hard way to grow up...I woudn't change my childhood for the world.
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