I have realized (and hoping) that my son will get to be a TCK, like me. It looks like we may have the chance to live overseas. If we do and Ronan is still young and in his developmental years, he will. It will be interesting to see how this effects him. Especially since Ryan and I will not be going into the situation unknowingly and blindly like my parents. We know what a tck is and the ups and downs. I hope to use the knowledge we have (and keep learning!) to help Ronan achieve all he can in life. I believe TCKs have something different and special to offer the world. I also would love to live life outside the US. I know one place we could move to, is Hawaii. Though it is "American soil", I have heard how rich and beautiful the culture is there. Who knows, we may find ourselves in Japan or maybe Europe one day! One can only hope and pray to God.